Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Unix or Windows?? Choice is yours ...

Hi all, here i'm going to write or describe two main operating systems Unix and Windows
   First let's see what is an Operating System??? 
       An operating system(OS) is a interface between the hardware and the user. We can interact with the computer  by using the operating system i.e we can use hardware and software of the computer.
     How we can interact with the operating system??
                        Basically,there are two ways 
1) By using command prompt i.e cmd or command line arguments
2)By using graphical user interface(GUI) you interact with the computer through a graphical interface with pictures and buttons by using the mouse and keyboard.

         Unix and Windows

        Unix and Windows both have a competitive history,stories and future.Unix and Windows have been in use for more  than three decades and updating their new features according to user's requirements.
 Windows became famous because of GUI and user friendly environment which was built  earlier than Unix and users got addicted to windows. Unix was much based on command line arguments and poor developed  GUI ,it didn't satisfy the most of the Users. Now a days we have new version of Unix called Linux,it is also specifically developed for micro computers and it started to gaining the popularity.Because of Microsoft’s aggressive marketing practices, millions of users who have no idea what an operating system is have been using Windows operating systems given to them when they purchased their PCs. Many others are not aware that there are operating systems other than Windows. But you are here reading an article about operating systems, which probably means that you are trying to make conscious OS decisions for home use or for your organizations. In that case, you should at least give Linux/Unix your consideration, especially if the following is relevant in your environment.

 Advantages of Linux operating systems

-Unix is more flexible and can be installed on many different types of machines, including main-frame computers, supercomputers and micro-computers.

Unix is more stable and does not go down as often as Windows does, therefore requires less administration and maintenance.

- Unix has greater built-in security and permissions features than Windows.

- Unix possesses much greater processing power than Windows.

- Unix is the leader in serving the Web. About 90% of the Internet relies on Unix operating systems running Apache, the world's most widely used Web server.

- Software upgrades from Microsoft often require the user to purchase new or more hardware or prerequisite software. That is not the case with Unix.

- The mostly free or inexpensive open-source operating systems, such as Linux and BSD, with their flexibility and control, are very attractive to (aspiring) computer wizards. Many of the smartest programmers are developing state-of-the-art software free of charge for the fast growing "open-source movement”.

- Unix also inspires novel approaches to software design, such as solving problems by interconnecting simpler tools instead of creating large monolithic application programs.

Advantages of Windows operating systems

-User friendly and many of applications and games developed for it only.
-Gives best Graphics user interface and good working environment.


Unix/Linux : Mac,fedora, Ubuntu,arch,Linux mint and many more.
Windows:  Xp, Vista,Win 7, Win 8.

And finally i gonna tell one thing to you all, remember not a even single type of operating system can offer  all answer to your system requirements and your computing needs..All you need to do is discussions and chose the right one.
                               Finally Choice is yours.. Unix or windows??